To Our Class Attendees
Following is Ganden Kadampa Buddhist Centre’s interim response for dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak.
Our main goal is to continue to provide a safe place of refuge for all visitors to our Centre. Our ability to do this greatly depends on all of us working together for this aim. What we are doing for you:
- Providing soaps and sanitizers for your hands
- Enhancing our cleaning and disinfecting routine throughout our Centres, to provide safe surfaces
- Exploring ways we can provide remote access to classes, should this become necessary in the coming weeks
What you can do for us:
- Make use of soaps and sanitizers as deemed appropriate
- Reduce physical contact with others
- If you feel ill, please stay home
- Alert us if you have been at the Centre recently and are diagnosed with COVID-19
- Meditate and dedicate for the health and wellbeing of others – through healing our own minds, we can heal the world
All classes will go ahead as planned unless otherwise advised. We have not been advised to close, although if the government does ask us to suspend classes we will of course comply.
Please check our website for updates to our response. Wishing you all good health and true happiness.
Ganden Kadampa Buddhist Centre