Ganden Centre is a not-for-profit organisation. We can't do it without you.

As an ATO registered charity, Ganden Centre depends upon the kindness of volunteers and financial benefactors. We keep the cost of our classes to a minimum and all proceeds go directly towards Centre expenses. Our goal is to help as many people as possible to develop inner peace and happiness, but we do need your help.
Please consider becoming a Centre Member or a Centre Benefactor by making regular monthly donations, or offer other financial support whenever possible, or apply for an Annual Membership which offers one month free. There is no minimum term for memberships, but the longer you retain your membership, the more you save (and the more you help your Centre!).

Automatically debited each month from your nominated credit/debit card.
Cancel any time.
*Membership excludes our Annual Away Retreats, Public Talks and other selected special events.
- All Drop-in Classes, Meditation Workshops, Retreats, Friday Night Lectures and our Study Programs are FREE.
- You will be actively supporting the flourishing of peace and happiness on the Gold Coast
- Not only are you helping happiness to flourish in the world, you're also committing to your own spiritual growth - making a statement in your own life about the prominent role you want to give to Buddha's teachings in your life.
- While the Center largely relies on membership fees to provide classes throughout the year, a significant portion of our profit is donated to the International Temples Fund. That means your money starts off at Ganden KBC but often has a global impact.
- Membership also includes free access to all our branch classes.
- And, last of all, but certainly not least of all, when you become a member of Ganden KBC you become part of our extended spiritual family
Want To Pay Annually? Get One Month FREE!
An Annual Centre Membership is $935 and includes one month free, so you save money as well as greatly benefiting the Centre.
Want To Help More? Benefactor Membership
Help your Centre and support the development of peace and happiness throughout the Gold Coast with an additional small donation each month. A Benefactor Membership is $120 per month and includes all Drop-in Classes, Meditation Workshops, Retreats, Friday Night Lectures and our Study Programs.

Membership is non-transferable and not redeemable for cash.