Ganden Kadampa Buddhist Centre

Blessing Empowerment of

Buddha Maitreya

The Buddha of Loving Kindness

Sunday 24 March 10am - 2pm


10am to 2pm

Entry $65pp.
Lunch option-vego BBQ (gold coin donation)
Time to empowerment


Special Event

When we have a strong loving mind, our whole experience of the world changes. In addition, others feel this change and respond to it. In this very real sense, love has the power to transform our world.

Buddha Maitreya is the embodiment of the loving kindness of all the Buddhas. The empowerment is a blissful guided meditation that connects us to Maitreya’s enlightened love giving us great power in our spiritual development.

In the commentary we will learn the special brief practice of Buddha Maitreya, in which, through identifying strongly with this Buddha’s qualities, we nurture them within ourselves. In this way we begin to become someone whose love transforms the world.

What Is An Empowerment?

An empowerment is a teaching and series of guided meditations through which we make a connection with Buddha. It bestows upon us special blessings that heal our mental continuum and awaken our Buddha nature. Everyone is welcome to attend. You do not need to be a Buddhist to gain great benefit from this blessing empowerment.

*Entry depends on pre-booking numbers. Seats cannot be guaranteed.

LUNCH OPTION: Vegetarian BBQ (gold coin donation). Please complete form.

About The Teacher Granting The Empowerment

Gen Kelsang Tsalden
Gen Kelsang Tsalden is the Resident Teacher of Ganden Kadampa Buddhist Centre. She is a fully ordained Australian Buddhist nun who has practised Kadampa Buddhism for over 18 years, training in Sydney and the UK. With 14 years experience as a Resident Teacher her clear, light-hearted, inspiring teachings and gentle manner make Buddhist wisdom accessible to all.
Registration from 9.45am
Empowerment Session- 10.00am – 12pm
Lunch break - 12 – 1pm
Teaching Session - 1 – 2pm
Ganden Kadampa Buddhist Centre 8/30 Commerce Drive,


COST: $65pp - Includes refreshments.
Bookings are essential.